UNIX/Linux 系统管理技术手册阅读(九)
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2016.8.31 10:00-10:30


Chapter 12, Software Installation and Management, addresses software provisioning in detail. But for the impatient, here’s a quick primer on how to find out what’s installed on your system and how to obtain and install new software.

1.12 查找和安装软件的途径


Modern operating systems divide their contents into packages that can be installed independently of one another. The default installation includes a range of starter packages that you can expand according to your needs.


Add-on software is often provided in the form of precompiled packages as well, although the degree to which this is a mainstream approach varies widely among systems. Most software is developed by independent groups that release the software in the form of source code. Package repositories then pick up the source code, compile it appropriately for the conventions in use on the systems they serve, and package the resulting binaries. It’s usually easier to install a systemspecific binary package than to fetch and compile the original source code. However, packagers are sometimes a release or two behind the current version.


The fact that two systems use the same package format doesn’t necessarily mean that packages for the two systems are interchangeable. Red Hat and SUSE both use RPM, for example, but their filesystem layouts are somewhat different. It’s best to use packages designed for your particular system if they are available.

  两种系统使用相同的软件打包系统不一定意味着两个系统的软件包能互换使用。例如,Red Hat和SUSE都使用RPM,但是它们的文件系统布局却稍有不同。如果能找到专为自己系统做的软件包,那就用它们,这是最好的做法。

Major Linux distributions provide excellent package management systems that include tools for accessing and searching Internet software repositories. Distributors aggressively maintain these repositories on behalf of the community, so there is rarely a need for Linux administrators to step outside the bounds of their systems’ default package manager. Life is good.


UNIX systems show more ambivalence about package management. Solaris, HPUX, and AIX all provide packaging software that works at the level of individual machines. However, the vendors of these systems don’t maintain repositories of open source software, so the user communities are mostly left to fend for themselves.9 Unfortunately, one of the main pieces of glue that holds a packaging universe together is a way for packages to reliably refer to other packages in order to express dependency or compatibility information. Without some central coordination, the whole ecosystem can quickly fall apart.


2016.9.21 14:00-14:30

In the real world, results have varied. Solaris has an add-on system (pkgutil from blastwave.org) that provides for easy software installation from an Internet repository, much like the native systems found on Linux distributions. HP-UX has a nice Internet repository in the form of the HP-UX Porting and Archiving Centre at hpux.connect.org.uk, but packages must be manually and individually downloaded. At the more dismal end of the spectrum, the availability of prepackaged software for AIX is somewhat scattershot.


Administrators without access to prepackaged binaries must install software the old-fashioned way: by downloading a tar archive of the source code and manually configuring, compiling, and installing it. Depending on the software and the operating system, this process can range from trivial to nightmarish.


In this book, we generally assume that optional software is already installed rather than torturing you with boilerplate instructions for installing every package. If there’s a potential for confusion, we sometimes mention the exact names of the packages needed to complete a particular project. For the most part, however, we don’t repeat installation instructions since they tend to be similar from one package to the next.


1.12.1 Determining whether software has already been installed

For a variety of reasons, it can be a bit tricky to determine which software package contains the component you actually need. Rather than starting at the package level, it’s easier to use the shell’s which command to find out if a relevant binary is already in your search path. For example, the following command reveals that the GNU C compiler has already been installed on this machine:

  aix$ which gcc


1.12.1 判断软件是否已经安装


  aix$ which gcc


If which can’t find the command you’re looking for, try whereis; it searches a broader range of system directories and is independent of your shell’s search path.


Another alternative is the incredibly useful locate command, which consults a precompiled index of the filesystem to locate filenames that match a particular pattern. locate is part of the GNU findutils package, which is included by default on most Linux systems but must be installed by hand on UNIX.


locate is not specific to commands or packages but can find any type of file. For example, if you weren’t sure where to find the signal.h include file, you could try 

  ubuntu$ locate signal.h







  ubuntu$ locate signal.h






locate’s database is updated periodically by the updatedb command, which runs out of cron. Therefore, the results of a locate don’t always reflect recent changes to the filesystem.


If you know the name of the package you’re looking for, you can also use your system’s packaging utilities to check directly for the package’s presence. For example, on a Red Hat or SUSE system, the following command checks for the presence (and installed version) of the Python scripting language:

  redhat$ rpm -q python


  如果用户知道正在查找的软件包的名字。那么也可以使用系统上的软件包工具来直接检查是否有该软件包出现(以及已装软件的版本)。例如,在Red Hat或者SUSE系统上,下面的命令可以检查是否有Python脚本语言:

  redhat$ rpm -q python


      本文转自cix123  51CTO博客,原文链接http://blog.51cto.com/zhaodongwei/1844628:,如需转载请自行联系原作者
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